Transit Commission Approves Reduction To Fix Route Bus Schedule Hours And Move To Demand Response Connector Service – Move Characterized As A “Transition” Not “Cutting”

The Fox Cities Transit Commission met 06/11/2024. The item that took up most of the meeting’s time was the request to approve the request to reduce evening and Saturday hours for fixed route buses and replace that service with the Valley Transit Connector service to […]

Fox Cities Transit Commission Meeting 06/11/2024 – Will Vote On Proposal To Replace Evening And Saturday Afternoon Bus Service With Connector Service

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 06/11/2024 at 2:50PM. They have two action items on the agenda. The first is a request to approve the redesignation of the Appleton/Fox Cities Metropolitan Planning Organization in accordance with federal code. The second item is probably of […]

Transit Commission Discusses Proposed Cuts To Bus Service Schedule, Move To Van-Based On-Call Service During Off-Peak Hours – Move Prompted By Persistent Lack Of Drivers

The Fox Cities Transit Commission met 05/21/2024. The bulk of the meeting was taken up with a non-action item discussion about proposed bus service scheduling changes. In light of an ongoing, long-term inability to maintain appropriate staffing levels, Valley Transit General Manager Ron McDonald proposed […]

Fox Cities Transit Commission Meeting 05/21/2024 – Will Receive Update On ARPA Funding, Review Proposed Changes To Evening And Saturday Service

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 05/21/2024 at 2:50PM. They have only one action item on the agenda which is approval of the April payments. They have several information items they will be reviewing. These include information on American Rescue Plan Act funding, proposed […]

Transit Commission Meeting 04/23/2024 – Will Vote On Contract Amendment For Valley Transit II Services

The Transit Commission is meeting 04/23/2024 at 2:50PM. They will be doing the housekeeping that comes with the beginning of the new Council year, including electing a chair and vice-chair and setting the meeting date and time. Outside of the Approval of March payments, they […]

Fox Cities Transit Commission Meeting 03/26/2024 – Will Vote On Additional Furniture Purchase For Whitman Avenue Facility

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 03/26/2024 at 2:50PM. They have three action items on the agenda. The first is the routine approval of payments for the previous month. The second is a request to authorize a change order for the purchase of furniture […]

Fox Cities Transit Commission Meeting 02/27/2024 – Will Vote On Paratransit Services Contract, Trolley Contract

The Transit Commission is meeting 02/27/2024 at 2:50PM. They have three action items on the agenda. The first is the routine approval of January payments. The second is a request for authorization to award a 3 year contract to Running Inc to provide Valley Transit’s […]

Fox Cities Transit Commission Meeting 01/23/2024 – Will Vote On Contract For Security Technology At Whitman Avenue Facility, Receive 4th Quarter Key Performance Indicators Report

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 01/23/2024 at 2:50PM. They have two action items on the agenda. The first is the routine approval of payments for November and December. The second is a request to authorize the purchase and installation of access control technology […]

Fox Cities Transit Commission Meeting 12/12/2023 – Ridership Numbers Continue To Be Markedly Lower Than Pre-Covid

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 12/12/2023 at 2:50PM. The agenda includes requests to approve five different intermunicipal agreements for various transit related services. The commission will also vote on a request to certify Valley Transit’s Public Transportation agency Safety Plan and approve a […]

Transit Commission Approves Contract With SRF Consulting To Assist With Grant Application For Transit Center, Authorizes Purchase Order For Audio Visual Equipment For Whitman Avenue Facility

The Fox Cities Transit Commission met 10/24/2023. Outside of the routine monthly approval of payments, they took up two action items, one requesting approval to sole source a consulting contract with SRF to assist in a grant application for the Transit Center and one to […]